
Employment Services

The Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI) can help pave the way to rewarding employment opportunities. Meaningful employment is more than just a source of income – it is a source of pride. In addition to opportunities within CABVI, we offer a variety of employment programs to address specific vocational needs in the community for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Job Retention
Are you struggling at work due to loss of vision? Uncertain how or when you should share the impact vision is having on your job with your employer? CABVI staff can help. Through assessing work duties, considering workplace modifications, and providing the latest in adaptive equipment, staff will work with you to ensure you are as productive as you were prior to vision loss.

Job Search and Employment Support
Are you unemployed? Whether between jobs, lost your employment due to vision, a recent college grant, or just interested in part-time work, we can help you pursue your employment goals. Please contact Katlyn Baughman, rehabiliation outreach and employment specialist, at (315) 797-2233 x3811 or by email at katlynb@cabvi.org.
Services available include:

• identifying work-related supports
• Job searching
• Resume writing
• Interview preparedness
• Employer contacts and education
• Workplace adaptations
• On-the-job training

Our services don’t stop when consumers start working. We continue to provide support to both the consumer and employer throughout employment.

Pre-Vocational for Young Adults
Pre-Vocational Skills services prepare students and youth ages 10 through 21 to gain increased independence in their communities and to eventually enter the workforce. Pre-vocational programs can vary in theme, scope, and subject. It is expected that students and youth will go through different developmental stages as they participate in a variety of pre-vocational skills programs.

Services are provided to students who are enrolled in an educational program and are between the ages of 14 to 21 (up to the 22nd birthday) with a focus on providing information, support and experiences that facilitate the exploration of their vocational interests, strengths, and abilities. Services may include: adaptive technology, daily living skills, travel skills, low vision, adjustment to vision loss, career exploration, work readiness skills, self-advocacy skill development and work experience training

Work Experience Training
Work experience training (WET) is an opportunity for a participant with little or no work experience, for a participant who has a substantial gap in employment, for a participant who is changing careers; or for a participant who has recently completed vocational training or education, to attempt work which matches their career goal.
WET placements provide opportunities to explore a vocational area before making a long-term commitment to employment. They perform the duties of a job they are interested in and develop a better understanding of workplace expectations. Employment specialists evaluate work-related behaviors as individuals experience the full physical, cultural and psychological aspects of a work setting. Work experiences are time-limited.

Vocational Skills Training
Vocational Skills Training prepares participants’ vocational skills to a level of proficiency that will enable the trainee to attain market-based levels of productivity. Vocational Skills Training may be of two types: training to acquire competitive proficiencies in areas of communication like keyboarding, Braille, and computer applications or training in foundation skills in a business sector such as office administration, service careers, or manufacturing; and/or training to meet current and future needs of a specific employer/group of employers or a particular business sector. Training plans are developed to address each participant’s individual needs.